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Why are we building?

A flat has to provide a suitable place for survival and it also has to give a safe platform for social activities, says the architect and architectural historian Zoltán Szentkirályi. Besides this, we need a humane environment, which allows us to feel good and we can manifest our human nature to find our home, says the architect and esthete Frigyes Pogány. We intend to meet these fundamental criteria when we are designing a house, by means of using the values and technology of an era. Modern housing is a continuous challenge since we have to satisfy both the user and the investor.

The housing market mostly gives answers to the questions of today, which can be a problem from many perspectives. Several years can fly by between designing a building and moving into it, thus market demands might change during this time...


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Sed non aliquet justo, vel fermentum dui. Nullam in neque interdum, viverra ex elementum, pharetra nisi.

Etiam eget nibh a augue accumsan scelerisque nec eu lacus. Donec ac iaculis ante. Curabitur leo urna, interdum consectetur purus ut, vulputate placerat ex.

Build Your Own Apartment
